The Congress
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MOVEMENTS are fundamental to pedagogy and education. Processes of human development, educational / pedagogical relations, or educational institutions are only conceivable when we regard their changes over time – as movements. At the same instance MOVEMENTS refer to the actions of collective actors, which can be observed in history as movements of enlightenment (Aufklärung) as well as movements of pedagogy and education. Conditions of education, as well as care, are constantly in motion. They depend on transformation processes of a society and simultaneously contribute to forming them. Pedagogical and educational movements affect humans and society.
Within the disciplines of educational science, MOVEMENTS – like the ones in education and pedagogy – are both perceived and explained: Taking different perspectives, they are systematically observed and reflected upon historically and theoretically; or they are described and explained empirically. In doing so, insight in the relevance of physical, cognitive, and biographic movements play an essential part.
In addition, the view on MOVEMENTS through educational science refers to different levels of analysis and reflection: the level of social interaction, the level of educational organization, the level of societal conditions, and, last but not least, the level of production of knowledge in (educational) science.
The 26th congress of the German Educational Research Association (GERA/DGfE) focuses on movements in and reflections of educational science in four areas:
Refuge and migration movements are currently discussed as severe challenges in pedagogy and education. They point to historical hindsight and experience with movements of migration as constitutive as well as conflicting factor in the formation of modern societies; to institutional movements of opening and closing; and to questions of transnational movements as a whole.
Social or religious movements have always been connected to movements in education (Erziehung & Bildung). Both historically and currently, they have formed the self-image of professionals in fields of education as well as educational organizations. Concepts of education have been influenced, and the legitimation of organizations has been scrutinized by them.
In spite of the latest conflicts about Europe’s political future, the European movement is already present in areas of educational and social spheres. There are visible efforts to mutual approval and adjustments of structures as well as an increase in mobility of young people within Europe. At the same time, European systems of education and care are subject to changes in governance and the expansion of transnational spheres of education and care.
Education takes place increasingly in digital domains: Learning and human development are connected to processes of mediatisation. Through the connected movements, communication, forms of information brokerage, and knowledge transfer as well as formation of identity are under transformation.
Besides these developments and popular subjects, educational science itself – as a space for reflection and a field of research – is characterised by a multitude of schools of thought. Between tradition and innovation, between action and reflective distance, and between normativity and freedom of values, knowledge is reproduced and modified constantly. Which school of thought dominates others or stays invisible at which time is as central a question as the one of its historical and sociological conditions.